Website Manager



Please do not contact Issaquah Little League with unsolicited services or offers. ILL is 100% volunteer run and the below contacts are provided only to support our amazing community of families, volunteers, and players.

The roles prescribed by the ILL Constitution are marked with an * with alternate Constitutional title in parentheses and various Board Committees are outlined in the League Constitution.

If you have feedback, please reach out or use our form for feedback, suggestions, and concerns/issues to help us get better each year.

Executive Leadership

Kirk Sperry 
[email protected] 

  • Conduct the League and execute policies established by the Board
  • Present a report of condition of the League at the Annual Meeting
  • Communicate to the Board all appropriate matters
  • Promote the welfare of the League
  • Responsible for the conduct of the League in strict conformity to the policies, principles and Rules and Regulations of Little League Baseball
  • Authority to make and execute contracts and leases in the name of the League, with prior Board approval
  • Investigate complaints, irregularities and conditions detrimental to the League and report to the Board or Executive Committee as warranted
  • Prepare and submit an annual budget to the Board and be responsible for execution against the budget
  • With assistance of Player Agent, examine and certify the application, proof of age and residency of players
Vice President
JC Clementz & Justin Barnes
[email protected]


  • Rapid Ball Implementation
  • Field Maintenance
  • Skills Evaluations
  • Events and Dates


  • Scheduling
  • Equipment 
  • Communication with City
Commissioner - Baseball (*EVP -Baseball)

Nic Scheiner 
[email protected] 

  • Responsible for performance of the duties and with the powers of President when absent if authorized by the President or Board to do so
  • Serve as the Senior League Official for baseball with duties to include oversight of Division VP's and Managers for each Division of play including:
  • Organize and supervise all activities of Division VP's including consistent updates of schedules, scores, pitch counts and end of season Tournament
  • Manage and operate within the Baseball Budget as authorized by the Board 
Commissioner - Softball 

Brooke Sullivan 
[email protected]

  •  Responsible for performance of the duties and with the powers of President when absent if authorized by the President or Board to do so
  • Serve as the Senior League Official for softball with duties to include oversight of Division and Managers for each Division of play including:
  • Organize and supervise all activities of Softball divisions
  • Manage and operate within the Softball Budget as authorized by the Board 
*Player Agent - Baseball 
Jeff Nash & David Wurster
[email protected] 

*Player Agent -Softball 

Matt Golden & James Buder
[email protected]

  • Supervise the player selection system, maintains complete player records, conducts trades and replacements of players, determines eligibility and develops rosters for all League players
  • Examine and certify the application, proof of age and residency of players
  • Chair the Registration Committee to manage all player registration activities
  • Manage the Skills Evaluation
  • Conduct the Player Draft and team formation, including Play Up and Down requests
  • Maintain "Eligible Player Replacement List" and replaces players on Majors and Coast teams
  • Prepare team rosters and submit all rosters to LL Headquarters
  • Serve as the contact person for all competitive players and parents
  • Coordinate All-Star teams formation
  • Manage and operate within the Player Agent Budget as authorized by the Board 



Leslie Inaba  
[email protected] 

  • Responsible for recording activities of the League and maintaining appropriate records including minutes of Board and Executive Committee meetings
  • Give notice of all ILL meetings
  • Maintain lists of all members, directors, committee members
  • Conduct all correspondence not otherwise delegated, carry out all orders, votes or resolutions not otherwise committed, notify of member, Director or Officer and committee election or appointment, and perform other duties as are customary. 

Clint Nohavec 
[email protected]

  • Monthly reporting to the Board and President of the financial condition of ILL, including reporting on Budgets of each officer or committee area
  • Receive all monies and securities and deposit in a depository approved by the Board
  • Keep records for receipt and disbursement of League monies and securities, approve all payments from allotted funds and draw checks in agreement with policies established in advance by the Board Prepare and report all annual budgets, monthly financial statements, reporting to the
  • Board of Directors and the President on financial status at all meetings and an annual financial report for the President to submit to the Membership at the Annual Meeting and to Little League.
*Safety Officer 

Nicole Pyle 
[email protected] 

  • Responsible to create awareness, through education and information, of the opportunities to provide a safer environment for all participants of the League
  • Develop, document and implement a plan for increasing safety of activities, equipment and facilities through education, compliance and reporting
  • Maintain and publish the Safety Manual for the League
  • Perform background security checks and facilitates insurance claims
  • Manage and operate within the Safety Budget as authorized by the Board
Procurement & Equipment 

Colt Winkie

  • Responsible for inventorying, selecting, ordering, and purchasing all new uniforms, safety or other equipment needed by the league
  • Serve as the contact person regarding the disbursement and collection of non-consumable equipment
  • Manage distribution and collection of all equipment for the League
  • Manage and operate within the Equipment Budget as authorized by the Board 
Information Officer  
  • Manage and update the official League website including content management
  • Manage the setup for online schedules, scores, and pitch counts
  • Coordinate with Registration Committee to manage League online registration
  • Coordinate with Officers to distribute League information
  • Ensure that news and information are updated and distributed regularly
  • Manage and operate within the Technology Budget as authorized by the Board 

Brittany Justus
[email protected]

  • Manage scheduling of all field use
  • Schedule all regular season practice and game times and locations consistent with Board plans, rules and policies
  • Manage rain out game make ups, as needed
  • Manage playoff games/brackets consistent with Board plans, rules and policies and Little League Rules and Regulations 
Field Development & Maintenance 

Terry Dodd (Board Member since 1983)  
[email protected] 

  • Manage volunteers or services to both maintain and improve our fields
  • Work with Government or School District officials to explore improvements in fields, facilities and partnerships with League
  • Train Managers on field prep and ensure clean up nights scheduled at fields
  • Manage schedule to mow, edge, remove trash and clean up Dodd Fields each week
  • Manage and operate within the Fields Budget as authorized by the Board

Sicily Graham 
[email protected] 

  • Plan and execute community events
  • Evaluate and improve upon the players experience through boosting morale
  • Design and deliver fundraising initiatives
  • Promote and market the league and its programs 

Krista Barnes 
[email protected]

  • Pending
Social Media
Nik Olguin
[email protected]
  • Pending
Paulette Zimmerman
[email protected]
  • Pending
  • Responsible for discovering and executing fund raising activities to secure additional funding sources for equipment and other league expenses including:
  • Coordinate with all League volunteers to maximize corporate donations related to volunteer hours worked (eg, Microsoft)
  • League sponsorship program including advertising on fields, web site, uniforms, etc.
  • League fund raisers, as approved by Board, typically including Mariners game tickets and photo magnet sales
  • Work closely with Marketing Officer to bring League into a more visible role in the community, bring more community involvement into the League and promote the ILL brand
  • Responsible for marketing events to promote League within the community
  • Work to advertise the League, promote registration, drive community involvement and manage public relations
  • Work closely with Fund Raising to bring League into a more visible role in the community, bring more community involvement into the League and promote the League brand
  • Responsible for content of ongoing Communications with members, including monthly newsletters and official news releases of the League
  • Manage and operate within the Marketing Budget as authorized by the Board 
Chief Umpire 

Mike Shafer (Adult Umps and Training)
Jay Clark (Junior Umps)
[email protected]

  • Responsible for hiring, scheduling, training and paying of all League umpires
  • Promote strict conformity to the policies, principles, rules and regulations of League and Little League Baseball
  • Coordinate and schedule all league umpiring assignments
  • Manage and operate within the Umpire Budget as authorized by the Board


Coach & Player Development 

Paulette Zimmerman
[email protected] 

  • Represent Coaches and Managers in the League
  • Serve as the contact person for the league's manager-coach training program
  • Develop and coordinate training curriculum and approach at all levels
  • Develop, order and distribute training materials to players, coaches and managers
  • Coordinate League clinics as necessary
  • Develop and enhance training programs for players
  • Manage and operate within the Development Budget as authorized by the Board 
VP Upper Divisions - Baseball 

Larry Gillard 
[email protected] 

  • Manage, organize and supervise all operations of the Upper Divisions of League (Intermediate, Juniors, and Seniors)
  • Communicate with and represent needs of division teams and Managers
  • Coordinate with Player Agent on issues involving players, rosters, eligibility or player replacement during the season
  • Consistently update schedules, scores, pitch count tracking and end of season Tournament information for division
  • In conjunction with Commissioner of Baseball, address any in-season issues as they arise (rosters, local rules, conduct of fans or ILL players or representatives, umpiring, parent complaints, etc.)
Baseball Coaching Coordinator - Competitive 

Ken Hunziker  
[email protected] 

  • Manage, organize and supervise all operations of the Competitive divisions of the League (AAA, Coast, and Majors)
  • Communicate with and represent needs of division teams and Managers
  • Coordinate with Player Agent on issues involving players, rosters, eligibility or player replacement during the season
  • Consistently update schedules, scores, pitch count tracking and end of season Tournament information for division
  • In conjunction with Commissioner of Baseball, address any in-season issues as they arise (rosters, local rules, conduct of fans or ILL players or representatives, umpiring, parent complaints, etc.)
Baseball Coaching Coordinator - Instructional 
  • Manage, organize and supervise all operations of the Instructional divisions of the League (T-Ball, A, and AA)
  • Communicate with and represent needs of division teams and Managers
  • Coordinate with Player Agent on issues involving players, rosters, eligibility or player replacement during the season
  • Consistently update schedules, scores, pitch count tracking and end of season Tournament information for division
  • In conjunction with Commissioner of Baseball, address any in-season issues as they arise (rosters, local rules, conduct of fans or ILL players or representatives, umpiring, parent complaints, etc.)
Softball Coaching Coordinator - Competitive 

Victor King 
[email protected]

  • Manage, organize and supervise all operations of Competitive divisions of Softball (AAA, Coast, Majors, and Juniors)
  • Communicate with and represent needs of Managers and teams of Coast through Juniors divisions
  • Work with Softball Commissioner to form teams for Coast through Juniors division
  • Coordinate interlock schedules, and interlock rules as decided for each division for Coast through Juniors divisions with Softball Commissioner and Team Managers
  • In conjunction with Commissioner of Softball, address any in-season issues as they arise (rosters, interlock rules, conduct of fans or ILL players or representatives, umpiring, parent complaints, etc.) 
Softball Coaching Coordinator -Instructional
  • Manage, organize and supervise all operations Instructional divisions of Softball (T-Ball, A, and AA)
  • Communicate with and represent needs of Managers and teams of T-Ball through A divisions
  • Work with Softball Commissioner to form teams for T-Ball through A division
  • Coordinate interlock schedules, and interlock rules as decided for each division forT-Ball through A divisions with Softball Commissioner and Team Managers
  • In conjunction with Commissioner of Softball, address any in-season issues as they arise (rosters, interlock rules, conduct of fans or ILL players or representatives, umpiring, parent complaints, etc.)


P.O. Box 488 
Issaquah, Washington 98027

Email: [email protected]

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