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If your child plans to play AAA, Coast, or Majors division and or is petitioning to play up in a competitive division you must attend the Softball Skills Evaluation. This is necessary so that balanced teams can be created and your child can experience a balanced, enjoyable, and competitive environment.

If for some reason your player is unable to attend the skills evaluation, please contact the Player Agent ( prior to Feb 1, 2025. If it is due to extenuating circumstances, you may inquire about a make-up session (Feb 8 at 10:30 at Dodd).

Each year players must attend skill evaluations in order to be assigned to a AAA, Coast, or Majors team for that yearIf this is your first time playing AAA or are have a softballer that is currently in AA and would like to petition up, please read below so you have an idea of what to expect during the evaluation process.

AA Players with Petitions to Play Up to AAA must also attend. AAA players petitioning to play down to AA do not need to attend. You'll receive an email with additional information approximately one week prior to the skills evaluation date. 


Date: Sunday, February 2, 2025
Time: Times are based on your player's Little League Age (age as of Jan 1, 2025).
Location: Bellevue College | 3000 Landerholm Cir SE, Bellevue, WA 98007 (main gym)

Little League Age Check-In Time
12 30mins prior 9-9:45am
 1130mins prior9:45-10:30am
10 30mins prior 10:30-11:15am
9 (and 8*) 30mins prior 11:15-12:00pm

*for the 8 year old players that have petitioned to play up.

Please arrive on-time at your Check-In time to sign in. Players should attend their Evaluation at the assigned time slot for their age. If you cannot arrive during your timeslot, you must contact the player agent ( prior to February 1, 2025tto inform them of which time slot you will be attending (ideally the next closest age group).



WHAT TO BRING: Bring your glove, bat, helmet, tennis shoes (NO CLEATS), and a fast pitch softball protective face mask (Optional at Skills Evaluations and good to have once practice begins).

WHAT TO EXPECT: Players will be divided into several groups and will rotate through stations performing different drills including infield, outfield, hitting, and pitching. Expect each session to last approximately 30-45 minutes. Please note that parents will not be allowed inside the Evaluation area.

WHAT IS SKILL EVALUATION: Skills Evaluation results are used by Issaquah Little League to help the Managers draft balanced teams at the AAA, Coast and Majors level. Skills Evaluation results are also used to determine any pending Petition to Play Up or Down, based on our Petition Policy. This means that you will not be placed by school, you will be drafted.

Players will be evaluated at 5 different skills stations by Evaluators including: Pitching, Hitting, Infield, Outfield and Speed. Each player will receive scores which are weighted to create an overall composite score for the player. These scores are used to rank players and prepare draft information to help the Managers draft balanced teams. The scores are kept completely confidential and players will not be told their scores or final results.

Players scoring in top tier of the Skills Evaluation of next age level may be contacted and/or asked to consider the next level up, depending on circumstances. The Player Agent may opt to bring up players from younger divisions to fill a roster to ensure balanced teams for competitive play.

Players should do their best at each station to allow a fair evaluation heading into the draft.

Please direct any questions about the Skills Evaluation to the Softball Player Agent (

Managers and Coaches

Managers for the Competitive Divisions will be allowed to observe the skills evaluation.  Anyone attending must complete the Little League Background Check and required training prior to being allowed inside the Evaluation area. To volunteer, register online. This registration process includes the volunteer application form with instructions. NO EXCEPTIONS! You must Check-In and receive their ID badge before being allowed inside the Skills Evaluation session.

Please direct any questions about the Skills Evaluation to the Softball Player Agent (

Softball Skills and Development

SOFTBALL SKILLS DEVELOPMENT clinics are open for players to attend to either polish up skills or learn new ones. Go to the Softball Skills development page to learn more.


P.O. Box 488 
Issaquah, Washington 98027

Email: [email protected]

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